Have you ever noticed that the further you get away from college campuses and racially diverse communities
the more prevalent racism is? I can only speak from a white perspective, but having recently moved from Ann Arbor, MI
to Coldwater, MI, the hardest thing for me to adjust to is the incredible level of racism here in Branch County. It's
absolutely ridiculous. I know the same is true in predominantly black, hispanic, and Asian communities as well.
But racism toward whites (I hate it when people call it reverse racism; that implies that the white racism is the right racism),
is their reaction toward the persecution they have endured at the hands of whites. It doesn't make it right, but it
IS cause and effect. I get genuinely furious because of repeated encounters with people here, even after stating my
intolerance for that sort of thing. One such person noted that "You've got all these hispanics and niggers working at
these places, and they keep fu**ing everything up". I told him, "What if it were a cracker that fu**ked it up?
Would you accept partial responsibility for it because you are a part of the same race as the idiot that didn't do his job
correctly?" He got all red and mad, and I basically kicked him out of the office before I said something I may come
to regret. I'm really starting to have second thoughts about bringing up my daughter in this town. Ignorant ass
crackers gotta make the rest of us look like a bunch of idiots. I wonder how long before I'm hanging from a tree down
here. There is still a strong Klan presence here, and these good ol' boys seem to be stuck in 1948. The only thing
a Klansman hates more than a nigger is a traitor cracker that befriends one. Well, so be it. Hate me. No
loss to me. I've got ZERO respect for your ignorant ass anyway.