Capital Punishment

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> No, stupid psychotic troll Daniel Joseph Min, Westerfield gets a
> private prison cell and free food for 20 years as the Liberal
> manadatory appeal process drags on.  He lives with air conditioning,
> Cable TV, free medical care, conjugal visits, counseling, exercise
> equipment, an unlimited supply of fresh laundry, and direct access to
> the Media at his whim.  State-appointed and reimbursed legal counsel
> is his without limit.  He won't even have to purchase his own toilet
> paper.
I am SICK AND TIRED of people who believe that attaching liberal to an idea or concept is a valid means of discrediting it.  There are reasons for all of these "luxuries" that you cite. 
Cable TV - Most prisons are made out of lots and lots and lots of iron, steel, and concrete.  It's tough to get a television signal inside there.  TV is important.   Watching the news, and educational programming is an important part of rehabilitation (not that anybody's really for that, they just want to seep people punished). 
Free Medical Care - They are still human beings, regardless of what they did.  We owe it to all human beings to ensure that health care is available to all.  You may change your mind when you need a kidney transplant, and your insurance decides they won't cover the $250,000 in medical bills (which are grossly inflated BECAUSE OF HEALTH INSURANCE).
Conjugal visits - Helps cut down on rape in prison.  Here again,  some people are in there actually trying to make use of their time.  If they've been repeatedly raped while in prison, how are they going to act when they've served their sentence and are released?
Counseling - I can't believe you are against THIS one!  They are supposed to be rehabilitated.  How do you expect this to happen?  Is Jesus going to appear to him as a talking, glowing  pile of feces in his cold, dark, dank, windowless 6x6 dungeon?
Exercise equipment - If they eat that crappy prison food for too long with no exercise, they'll all weigh 400 pounds.  Physical well being should be ensured.
Fresh laundry - Helps stop the spread of disease, and keeps the stench down.
Direct Access to the media - Here in Michigan, they don't allow interviews with prisoners.  A law that was made on Kevorkian's behalf.
State appointed and reimbursed counsel - Are you saying that we should take away your right to counsel?  Like a Public Defender is really going to work his ass off for a defendant.
Free Toilet Paper - Should they install a bidet?
> Uncle Al would not be surprised if a Roman Catholic priest brings in
> children for them to share.  Exercise of sexual diversity is his
> God-given right.  If only he had buggered a little boy, NAMBLA would
> be marching in protest right now.
Now, you're just being stupid.  And let's not forget about the Bill of Rights.  Maybe that's what you expect the prisoner to wipe his ass with?  Freedom of expression.  You are guaranteed the right to express your opinion just as NAMBLA is free to express theirs.  They are both alike, in that it's not the accuracy of the opinion that's guaranteed, but the ability to state it .